Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who gave the heart understanding
to distinguish between day and night.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who made me an Israelite.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who did not make me a slave.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who made me in His Image.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who made me according to His will.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who gives sight to the blind.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who clothes the naked.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who releases the captives.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who straightens the bent.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who spreads the earth upon the waters.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who has provided for all my needs.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who establishes the footsteps of man.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who girds Israel with might.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who crowns Israel with glory.
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
Who gives the weary strength.