Thank you, Lord,
for the places I've been,
the sights I've seen,
the people I've known,
and the joy of coming home,
in Jesus' name, amen.
A daily prayer blog by Bob Hostetler, the author of The Red Letter Prayer Life and the 31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids iPhone and iPad app. Just one prayer each day. Seldom more. Seldom very long. Sometimes personal. Sometimes original. Always sincere.
Saturday Psalm #49
Lord, let everyone hear,
let all who live in this world pay attention,
both low and high,
rich and poor alike,
when I speak your words of wisdom;
when from my heart I relay your message.
Turn my ears to your wisdom;
Turn my songs into true psalms from you.
Teach me (again) not to fear when evil days come,
when naysayers surround me,
when mistrust and arrogance—
mine or someone else’s—
seem to confuse everything.
You have redeemed me, O Lord,
the only One who could give a ransom for me—
and so costly, no gift of gratitude could ever be enough,
even if I should live forever
and try to repay you every day.
Everyone can see that the wisest men and women die;
the foolish and the senseless alike perish
and leave their wealth to others.
The rich leave their opulent houses,
and take up residence in eternity,
though they had buildings and institutions
named after themselves.
Likewise, my best and most passionate efforts today
will pass away, like so many moths in a flame.
So let me not trust in myself,
and get worked up over the approval or disapproval of men.
Those around me are destined for the grave just like me.
But though my efforts will perish,
your works—
through me, as well as others—
will endure,
and you will redeem my life and take me to yourself
whether I succeed or fail.
I belong to you
even if all my plans and hopes and dreams
come to naught.
Remind me that my times are in your hands:
the timing of my plenty or scarcity,
the timing of my success or failure,
the timing of who follows and who leaves,
the timing of my own coming or going,
in Jesus’ name, amen.
let all who live in this world pay attention,
both low and high,
rich and poor alike,
when I speak your words of wisdom;
when from my heart I relay your message.
Turn my ears to your wisdom;
Turn my songs into true psalms from you.
Teach me (again) not to fear when evil days come,
when naysayers surround me,
when mistrust and arrogance—
mine or someone else’s—
seem to confuse everything.
You have redeemed me, O Lord,
the only One who could give a ransom for me—
and so costly, no gift of gratitude could ever be enough,
even if I should live forever
and try to repay you every day.
Everyone can see that the wisest men and women die;
the foolish and the senseless alike perish
and leave their wealth to others.
The rich leave their opulent houses,
and take up residence in eternity,
though they had buildings and institutions
named after themselves.
Likewise, my best and most passionate efforts today
will pass away, like so many moths in a flame.
So let me not trust in myself,
and get worked up over the approval or disapproval of men.
Those around me are destined for the grave just like me.
But though my efforts will perish,
your works—
through me, as well as others—
will endure,
and you will redeem my life and take me to yourself
whether I succeed or fail.
I belong to you
even if all my plans and hopes and dreams
come to naught.
Remind me that my times are in your hands:
the timing of my plenty or scarcity,
the timing of my success or failure,
the timing of who follows and who leaves,
the timing of my own coming or going,
in Jesus’ name, amen.
Bible Prayers,
Our Path and Guide

our protection and shield,
our consolation and strength.
Set our feet, minds, and hearts onto your path of divine peace. Make your holy and divine Word, which you allow us to hear, vibrant and active in our hearts so we might please and serve you until the end of our lives. Amen.
(from the book Amish Prayers, compiled by Beverly Lewis)
Prayers of Others
Overflow with Hope
My prayer today for my kids and my grandkids, from the "31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids" app for iPhone and iPad.
Bible Prayers
On Shakespeare's Birthday
Release me from my bands
With the help of your good hands:
Gentle breath of yours my sails
Must fill, or else my project fails.
(lines from The Tempest, Act 5, Epilogue, by William Shakespeare)
With the help of your good hands:
Gentle breath of yours my sails
Must fill, or else my project fails.
(lines from The Tempest, Act 5, Epilogue, by William Shakespeare)
Prayers of Others,
Special Days
Saturday Psalm #48
You are great, Lord,
and you deserve the greatest possible praise
here where I live
as well as in that beautiful city of God,
on your holy mountain.
I see it in my mind’s eye, Lord:
Beautiful in elevation,
the joy of the whole earth,
Mount Zion, at the pinnacle
of the city of David, the city of the great King.
You have made yourself known there, Lord;
your presence is palpable on that hill.
Make me like that city, Lord.
Make me a walking Jerusalem,
that causes people—high and low—to sing your praise,
that multitudes passing by might be amazed,
that doers of wickedness might be dismayed,
and run away from your might displayed in my life.
As you have established the city of God,
establish your work in me: firm, fast, forever.
I remember your lovingkindness, O God,
I praise you among worshiping throngs.
Your name is great, O God;
so let your praise be great, to the ends of the earth.
Your hand sows blessings all around.
Let Mount Zion be glad.
Let peace enter that city again.
Let the residents of Judah rejoice,
and acknowledge your wisdom and justice.
I remember fondly walking about Zion,
walking on her mighty walls,
and marveling at her bustling beauty.
As you established Zion, Lord,
please establish the work of my hands,
my eternal God;
be my guide through my life,
all the way to my death,
in Jesus’ name, amen.
Bible Prayers,
In the Day Ahead
give me the wit, the wisdom and the will
to see what's most important in the day ahead
and, with your help, to accomplish it,
to the best of my ability...
And Lord,
give me the sense, the insight and the smarts
to see what's least important in the day ahead
lest it distract me
from doing what you ask of me...
And one more thing, Lord:
give me the grace, the guts and the game
to live this day with my heart open to you,
to my neighbor and to whatever and wherever
your Spirit may choose to lead me
(from A Concord Pastor Comments; photo via
give me the wit, the wisdom and the will
to see what's most important in the day ahead
and, with your help, to accomplish it,
to the best of my ability...
And Lord,
give me the sense, the insight and the smarts
to see what's least important in the day ahead
lest it distract me
from doing what you ask of me...
And one more thing, Lord:
give me the grace, the guts and the game
to live this day with my heart open to you,
to my neighbor and to whatever and wherever
your Spirit may choose to lead me
(from A Concord Pastor Comments; photo via
Prayers of Others
Saturday Psalm #47
Lord, I clap my hands to you.
I shout my praise of you.
Lord, Most High, you inspire awe in me.
You are the Great King of the whole world.
You subdue whole nations
and humble the mighty.
You give thought to me
and save a place for me at your table.
I cheer your every victory,
I extol your inspiring attributes.
I offer you my full-throated praise,
my King and my God.
You reign over the nations;
You are seated on your holy throne.
The highest-ranking and most powerful
people of the earth
will bow before you,
Holy and Exalted One.
(photo via
I shout my praise of you.
Lord, Most High, you inspire awe in me.
You are the Great King of the whole world.
You subdue whole nations
and humble the mighty.
You give thought to me
and save a place for me at your table.
I cheer your every victory,
I extol your inspiring attributes.
I offer you my full-throated praise,
my King and my God.
You reign over the nations;
You are seated on your holy throne.
The highest-ranking and most powerful
people of the earth
will bow before you,
Holy and Exalted One.
(photo via
Bible Prayers,
The Chaste Path

O Lord, almighty God and heavenly Father! For the love and faithfulness that you demonstrate to us at all hours of every day, we faithfully praise and thank you. May you be praised forever and ever, O Lord, now and always. Amen.
(from the book Amish Prayers, compiled by Beverly Lewis)
Prayers of Others
For the Families of My Neighborhood
I pray to you, God, for the families of my neighborhood. Visit them. Throw their troubles out of them and bring hope. Make the daily cares that devour the heart disappear. Present solutions to life's problems. Settle the disturbed relationships among members of different families whom I know or don't know.
O Lord, remind the people of our area that you exist, that you are a strong and loving Protector. Keep away, Lord, anything that causes the disturbance of peace from souls, and the escape of sleep from our eyes. Stay a little while more tonight in our neighborhood. Spread peace along with the night. Let the harshness of the day and its struggles not spread over the night too, God.
(a prayer by Demetrios, Archbishop of America, Greek Orthodox)
O Lord, remind the people of our area that you exist, that you are a strong and loving Protector. Keep away, Lord, anything that causes the disturbance of peace from souls, and the escape of sleep from our eyes. Stay a little while more tonight in our neighborhood. Spread peace along with the night. Let the harshness of the day and its struggles not spread over the night too, God.
(a prayer by Demetrios, Archbishop of America, Greek Orthodox)
Prayers of Others
When Jesus Looked O'er Galilee (Fewster)
When Jesus looked o'er Galilee,
So blue and calm and fair,
Upon her bosom, could he see
A cross reflected there?
When sunrise dyed the lovely deeps,
And sparkled in his hair,
O did the light rays seem to say:
A crown of thorns he'll wear?
When in the hush of eventide,
Cool waters touched his feet,
Was it a hymn of Calvary's road
He heard the waves repeat?
But when the winds triumphantly
Swept from the open plain,
The Master surely heard the song:
The Lord shall live again!
(words by Catherine Baird)
Songs and Hymns
Saturday Psalm #46
God, you are my refuge and strength;
you are always present to help when I am in trouble.
So why do I so often fear, as though the earth might give way
and the mountains might crumble into the heart of the sea?
Why do I react to troubles as though the sea is going to roar and foam
and the earth might run away and cower in fear?
At such times, remind me of the spring that waters the city of God,
the holy place where you, Most High, have repeatedly shown yourself.
Remind me that just as you are within those walls,
so you will surround me and not let me fall;
You will come to help as surely as the sun rises in the morning.
When people around me get all "up in arms,"
When the wheels seem to be coming off the car,
remind me: you need only to lift your voice,
and the whole earth would melt.
LORD Almighty, you are with us;
God of Jacob, you are our fortress.
Let others see the works of the LORD,
let them notice the things you are doing on the earth.
Break down barriers and heal divisions, Lord;
defeat those who are weapons in the Enemy's arsenal.
Stop us in our tracks, and remind us of your sovereign power and love;
Be exalted among those who don't know you;
Be exalted in us and all around us.
LORD Almighty, you are with us;
God of Jacob, you are our fortress. Amen.
(photo via
Bible Prayers,
Plant Fresh Flowers in My Garden

my soul invites thee earnestly,
and waits for thee eagerly.
Come to me, O Jesus, my well beloved,
and plant fresh flowers in my garden,
such as I see blooming
in such perfection
in thy matchless character!
Come, O my Father,
who art the Husbandman,
and deal with me in thy tenderness and prudence!
Come, O Holy Spirit,
and bedew my whole nature,
as the herbs are now moistened with the evening dews.
Oh, that you would speak to me!
Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.
Oh, that you would walk with me;
I am ready to give up my whole heart and mind to you.
I am only asking what you delight to give.
(a prayer of Charles H. Spurgeon, slightly revised)
Prayers of Others
Corkscrew Slide

make me
like a child
who launches out
from atop
a corkscrew slide,
his unseen father
to be there
when needed
to safely catch him
and pick him up,
in Jesus' name,
Long (A Birthday Prayer)
Long have I loved you,
But not nearly as much
As your great love deserves.
Each day I have left
Let me love and serve you
With more passion and zeal
Than the 21,900-plus
that have gone before.
But not nearly as much
As your great love deserves.
Each day I have left
Let me love and serve you
With more passion and zeal
Than the 21,900-plus
that have gone before.
Special Days
Grace and Knowledge
My prayer today for my kids and my grandkids, from the "31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids" app for iPhone and iPad.
Bible Prayers
Your Resurrection

with all the powers of our heart and mind,
to praise You Father
and Your Only-begotten Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ:
Dear Father, by Your wondrous
condescension of loving-kindness toward us,
Your servants, You gave up Your Son.
Dear Jesus You paid the debt of Adam
for us to the Eternal Father by
Your Blood poured
fourth in loving-kindness.
You cleared away the darkness of sin
By Your magnificent and radiant Resurrection.
You broke the bonds of death
and rose from the grave as a Conqueror.
You reconciled heaven and earth.
Our life had no hope of eternal happiness
before You redeemed us.
Your Resurrection has washed away our sins,
restored our innocence and brought us joy.
How inestimable is the tenderness
of Your love!
(Saint Gregory the Great's Easter Prayer)
Prayers of Others,
Special Days
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