A daily prayer blog by Bob Hostetler, the author of The Red Letter Prayer Life and the 31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids iPhone and iPad app. Just one prayer each day. Seldom more. Seldom very long. Sometimes personal. Sometimes original. Always sincere.
For the Beauty of Small, Homely Things
Sunlight through a jar of beach-plum jelly...
A rainbow in soapsuds in dishwater...
An eggyolk in a blue bowl...
White ruffled curtains sifting moonlight...
The color of cranberry glass...
A little cottage with blue shutters...
Crimson roses in an old stone crock...
The smell of newly baked bread...
Candlelight on old brass...
The soft brown of a cocker spaniel's eyes...
Thank you, in Jesus' name, amen.
(based on lines from Peter Marshall; photo via pixabay.com)
And Ever Thanks
Every good gift comes from your hand, Lord!
Help me to count my blessings this day
and to be grateful to you from whom they flow...
I thank you for the blessing of family and friends,
those with me still and those gone home to you...
I thank you for my eyes and ears,
for finding the beauty of your presence all around me...
I thank you for nature's seasons and all I learn
in their coming and going, year in and year out...
I thank you for the blessing of a sunrise
and the blessing of the same sun's setting...
I thank you for the company of others
and good times shared with them...
I thank you for silence, for solitude
and for times of peace and quiet with you...
I thank you for your mercy and forgiveness,
for your pardon of my faults and sins...
I thank you for correction that helps me grow
and for reprimands that keep me honest...
I thank you for the healing grace of forgiving others
and of others forgiving me...
I thank you for anticipation's joy
and for disappointment's healing...
I thank you for a good night's sleep
and the blessing of sweet dreams...
I thank you for the gift of each new day,
one day at a time...
I thank you for steady work, for satisfying work,
for work that serves the needs of others...
I thank you for the gift of those who help me
and for the opportunity to be of help to others...
I thank you for the works of grace and faith
that shape us as your people...
I thank you for a child's birth,
the promise new life brings...
I thank you for the gift a peaceful death can be
for those who've lost a loved one...
I thank you for the life that's mine
and your promise of a life that never ends...
I thank you for the ordinary, the routine
the unexpected, the surprise...
I thank you for cleansing tears
and for healing laughter...
I thank you for my faith when I'm confused;
for the gift of hope when trust's in short supply;
for the blessing of your love when I'm alone...
In the quiet of my prayer, Lord,
help me count my blessings before I list my problems,
before I whine and whimper,
before I turn to pity for myself...
Every good gift comes from your hand, Lord,
and you're more generous than I'm sometimes willing to notice,
to see, to acknowledge, to remember
and to hold in my heart as gift and grace...
In the quiet of my prayer, Lord,
show me the peace, the grace, the healing
of your blessings in my life:
the ones I often miss, the ones that I've forgotten,
and the blessings will come my way today...
(graphic and prayer from A Concord Pastor Comments)
On Thanksgiving
...there is no truth more thoroughly established than that there exits in the economy and course of nature an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and advantage; between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity; since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained...
May We So Break Our Bread
May we so break our bread
In constant, costly giving
That others may be fed. Amen.
(by Lillian Cox; photo via freeimages.com)
For a Grateful Heart
To Want to Be Holy
Guide me,
make me want again to be holy,
to be a man of God,
even though in desperateness and confusion.
I do not necessarily ask for clarity, a plain way,
but only to go according to your love,
to follow your mercy, to trust your mercy.
I want to seek nothing at all, if this is possible.
But only to be led without looking and without seeking.
For thus to seek is to find.
(a prayer of Thomas Merton, from his journals, August 2, 1960, IV.28)
If You Plan to Bless Me
Lord God Adonai,
if you plan to bless me--and I know you do--
then no devil's strategy
and no man's scheme
can thwart you!
So bless me, Lord.
Bless me,
bless my wife,
bless my family,
bless my children,
my grandchildren,
my home,
my body,
my writing,
and more,
in Jesus' name, amen.
I Step Out

Preserve my understanding from subtilty of error, my affections from love of idols, my character from stain of vice, my profession from every form of evil. May I engage in nothing in which I cannot implore Thy blessing, and in which I cannot invite Thy inspection. Prosper me in all lawful undertakings, or prepare me for disappointments. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Feed me with food convenient for me, lest I be full and deny Thee and say, Who is the Lord? or be poor, and steal, and take Thy name in vain.
May every creature be made good to me by prayer and Thy will. Teach me how to use the world and not abuse it, to improve my talents, to redeem my time, to walk in wisdom toward those without, and in kindness to those within, to do good to all men, and especially to my fellow Christians. And to Thee be the glory.
(from The Valley of Vision, a collection of Puritan prayers, edited by Arthur Bennett)
O God, if still the holy placeIs found of those in prayer,By all the promises of graceI claim an entrance there.Give me a self-denying soul,Enlarged and unconfined;Abide within me, and controlThe wanderings of the mind.Give me the strength of faith that daresTo die to self each day,That bravely takes the cross, nor caresTo find an easier way.Help me to make more sacrifice,To walk where Christ would lead,That in my life He may ariseTo hallow every deed.Amen.(a prayer of General Albert Orsborn of The Salvation Army)
One Single Day
Murmuring "Thou"
When I attempt the ineffable Name, murmuring Thou,

Symbols (I know) which cannot be the thing thou art.
Thus always, taken at their word, all prayers blaspheme
Worshiping with frail images a folk-lore dream,
And all men in their praying, self-deceived, address
The coinage of their own unquiet thoughts, unless
Thou in magnetic mercy to thyself divert
Our arrows aimed unskillfully, beyond desert;
And all men are idolaters, crying unheard
To a deaf idol, if thou take them at their word.
Take not, O Lord, our literal sense. Lord, in thy great,
Unbroken speech our limping metaphor translate.
(a prayer by C.S. Lewis; photo by zsbenko via everystockphoto.com)
The Joys of the Secret Place
who sees and hears in secret,
disclose to me the joys of the secret place.
Teach me to pray there,
and stay there,
and go again from there in confidence.
Grant me the rewards of the secret place,
first and foremost, the knowledge that I have been with you,
and you have met with me,
in Jesus’ name, amen.
(from The Red Letter Prayer Life, p. 32; photo by "tinyfroglet" via everystockphoto.com)
Forgive Us Our Debts
Forgive the things I've charged or financed
to assuage my desires
instead of waiting,
instead of saving,
instead of giving.
Forgive the money I've wasted
on impulse purchases,
interest payments,
and fees and penalties.
Forgive the consumer mentality
that makes me buy now,
pay later,
pay more in the long run.
Teach me to wait,
to save,
to resist temptation,
in Jesus' name, amen.
(photo by Chance Agrella via freerangestock.com)
a man who,
when he knows a thing to be right,
will not turn away, or turn aside, or stop;
a man who will persevere all the more
because there are difficulties to meet
or foes to encounter;
who will stand all the more true to my Master
because I am opposed;
who, the more I am thrust into the fire,
the hotter I become;
who, just like the bow,
the further the string is drawn
the more powerfully it sends forth its arrows,
and so the more I am trodden upon,
the more mighty I will become
in the cause of truth against error,
in Jesus' name, amen.
(modeled on lines by Charles Spurgeon; photo by frozenchipmunk via everystockphoto.com)
On Veterans' Day
While It Lasts
Thank you, Lord,
that I can walk without pain,
see without impediment,
hear without assistance,
sleep without fear,
chew without discomfort,
swallow without effort,
work without end!
Neither Untimely Nor Uncharitable
help me to do as your Word says,
and make no untimely
or uncharitable judgments about anyone
but to wait until the day of the Lord's return
when he will bring our darkest secrets to light,
reveal our private motives,
and give to each of us whatever is due,
in Jesus' name, amen.
(based on 1 Corinthians 4:4-5)
Post-election Prayer
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On Election Day 2024
I pray for every candidate for every office, and the people who love them: God, be merciful to them and bless them; look on them with kindness (Psalm 67:1), whether they win or lose, and accomplish what is best for them, their loved ones, and their constituents.
I pray Isaiah 11:2 for every voter: Holy Spirit, speak to every person who votes in this election. Send the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD on everyone who casts a ballot.
I pray for justice to roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream, through my neighborhood, city, state, and nation (Amos 5:24).
I pray for your people to participate in this election and respond to the results not in a spirit of fear and timidity, much less of anger and retribution, but in a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).
As Jesus prayed, I ask for your will rather than mine (Matthew 26:39). Dispel suspicion and hatred, heal divisions, repair the damage to and by your church, and restore unity and sanity to our nation.
And, finally, Father, I ask for the faith to see your hand in the results of this election, even as I remember those people around the world who have no voice and no vote. Let my reaction to this election reveal my faith in You and my awareness of my privilege and responsibility as a citizen, in Jesus’ name, amen.

that I can proclaim your Word!
What an honor.
What a joy.
You dwell with the lowly
and visit those who tremble at Your Word.
Anoint me with lowliness.
Fill me with trembling.
Come upon me in spirit and truth.
Overshadow me with your Spirit.
All my springs are in you, Lord.
Flow from me
for the salvation of sinners
and for the blessing,
and upbuilding of your church,
in Jesus' name, amen.
For the Heart of the Saints
you have knit together your elect
in one communion and fellowship
in the mystical body
of Your Son, Christ our Lord,
and kindled the flame of your love
in the hearts of the saints.
I praise you for the holy men and women
you have raised up
in every time and place.
Give me grace so to follow their example
in devotion and godliness
that I may come
to those ineffable joys
that you have prepared for those
who unfeignedly love you,
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord,
who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns,
one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
(updated and modernized from the Catholic Liturgy of the Hours, the Gothic Missal, and The Book of Common Prayer, 1979)