Your humblest servant,
I praise your very name, LORD,
both now and forevermore.
I will praise your name
from the rising of the sun
to the place where it sets.
I will exalt you, LORD,
wherever I am,
I will sing of your glory
at the top of my lungs.
Who is like you, LORD my God,
you who sit enthroned on high,
who are so exalted you must stoop
to consider the heavens...
and yet you even stoop so far
as to watch over me here on earth!
You raise the poor from the dust
and lift the needy from the trash heap;
you seat them with princes,
and even make them princes themselves.
You grant children to the barren,
families to the lonely,
community to the outcast,
because you are good,
and utterly, infinitely worthy
of praise.
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