Abba, Father, I praise you and bless you
and thank you today for...
Another day to serve you,
Brains to think,
Cake to celebrate my dad's birthday tonight,
Dad, who turns 91 tomorrow,
Easter, so wonderfully observed and recently passed,
Family that gladden my heart,
Grandchildren, three little apples of my eye,
Hands to work and fingers to type,
Ink in the printer,
Jesus, my Savior and Risen Lord,
Knees that still (mostly) bend,
Legs that walk,
Oranges and
Quiet times in my prayer chair,
Robin, the love of my life,
Sweet tea,
Tiny footsteps on the floor in the morning, your
Unconditional love and unfailing kindndess,
Vowels and consonants, the writer's building blocks,
Words and sentences, and language itself,
paragraphs and plots instead of some cheesy word that starts with X, and your consuming
Zeal for your house, for my heart and life,