A Confession

I confess to being a jerk while driving.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess to eating too much because I can.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess to giving too little because I can.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess to losing my temper with children...and adults.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess to the selfishness of wanting to be noticed and admired.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess to smugness and self-righteousness.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess to being ungracious and unmerciful toward others.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess to enjoying comfort and plenty as if I am entitled to them.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess to lustful glances and unclean thoughts.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess my envy and jealousy.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess my impatience and insensitivity.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess my covetousness.
Lord, have mercy.

I confess my hypocrisy.
Lord, have mercy.

Thank you for your promised forgiveness
and the cleansing and restoration that is mine
in Christ Jesus,

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