God, you are my salvation;
I will trust and not be afraid.
You, Lord God Adonai, are my strength and my song;
you have become my salvation.
With joy I draw water
from the wells of salvation,
for you, God, are my salvation.
I drink from your fulness,
your freshness,
your sweetness,
your beauty,
your ever-replenishing depths.
A daily prayer blog by Bob Hostetler, the author of The Red Letter Prayer Life and the 31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids iPhone and iPad app. Just one prayer each day. Seldom more. Seldom very long. Sometimes personal. Sometimes original. Always sincere.
Ordinary Days
Thank you, God,
for ordinary days,
of simple moments
and familiar sights
and welcome routine,
which are rare enough
to make me remember
to be grateful.
for ordinary days,
of simple moments
and familiar sights
and welcome routine,
which are rare enough
to make me remember
to be grateful.
Like a Gentle Rain

my King,
let me feel
the warmth of your smile
on all I do today;
let your favor refresh my heart
like a gentle rain.
Bifocals of Faith
Father, give me the bifocals of faith that see the despair and the need of the hour but also see, further on, the patience of my God working out his plan in the world he has made, in Jesus' name, amen.
(a prayer of Peter Marshall, slightly revised)
(a prayer of Peter Marshall, slightly revised)
Prayers of Others
My prayer today for my kids and my grandkids, from the "31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids" app for iPhone and iPad.
For a Keynote
Please let my keynote address this evening be
what you want
and what others need.
what you want
and what others need.
For An Easy Smile
Abba, please give me an easy smile.
Make me quick to laugh,
ready to dance,
always willing to have fun.
You have made my joy full,
I just don't often enough give vent to it.
So teach me to skip again, Lord,
like a child in Summer,
in Jesus' name, amen.
Make me quick to laugh,
ready to dance,
always willing to have fun.
You have made my joy full,
I just don't often enough give vent to it.
So teach me to skip again, Lord,
like a child in Summer,
in Jesus' name, amen.
For Spices
Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Creator of all the spices.
(Havdalah prayer)
A Father's Day Prayer
Father, thank you for _____________.
Please continue and complete your work in him,
granting that he may walk with you like Enoch,
believe you like Abraham,
obey you like Isaac,
wrestle with you like Jacob,
know your hand on his life like Joseph,
speak face-to-face with you like Moses,
win victories for you like Gideon,
speak boldly for you like Elijah,
worship you like David,
see you high and lifted up like Isaiah,
and carry Jesus’ cross like Simon of Cyrene.
(one of "7 Great Prayers for Father's Day" on my "A Thousand Ways to Pray" blog)
Please continue and complete your work in him,
granting that he may walk with you like Enoch,
believe you like Abraham,
obey you like Isaac,
wrestle with you like Jacob,
know your hand on his life like Joseph,
speak face-to-face with you like Moses,
win victories for you like Gideon,
speak boldly for you like Elijah,
worship you like David,
see you high and lifted up like Isaiah,
and carry Jesus’ cross like Simon of Cyrene.
(one of "7 Great Prayers for Father's Day" on my "A Thousand Ways to Pray" blog)
Special Days
For Lavish Summer
Thank you, God, that
"There is no price set on the lavish summer,
And June may be had by the poorest comer."
(from "The Vision of Sir Launfal" by James Russell Lowell)
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
On our brothers and sisters at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church,
Lord, have mercy.
On the grieving family, friends, and parishioners of Rev. Clementa Pinckney,
Lord, have mercy.
On those who mourn the loss of Depayne Middleton Doctor,
Lord, have mercy.
On the family, friends, and neighbors of Ethel Lance,
Lord, have mercy.
On those who love and will miss Susie Jackson,
Lord, have mercy.
On the loved ones of Cynthia Hurd,
Lord, have mercy.
On those who hurt most at the loss of Tywanza Sanders,
Lord, have mercy.
On the family, friends, parishioners, and student athletes who mourn for Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton,
Lord, have mercy.
On those who weep for Myra Thompson,
Lord, have mercy.
On the family, friends, and church members and staff who grieve the loss of Rev. Daniel Simmons Sr.,
Lord, have mercy.
On all who weep with the victims and their loved ones,
on the Charleston community,
on your own Body,
on those who feel fear and rage and bitterness and hopelessness in the wake of this crime,
Lord, have mercy.
Please grant your comfort and strength;
please send your grace and peace;
please be their strong tower, their mighty fortress, their refuge and strength.
Have mercy, Lord, have mercy.
Show your kindness.
In the darkness, shine your light.
In the horror, give hope.
In the sorrow, send healing,
in Jesus' name, amen.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
On our brothers and sisters at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church,
Lord, have mercy.
On the grieving family, friends, and parishioners of Rev. Clementa Pinckney,
Lord, have mercy.
On those who mourn the loss of Depayne Middleton Doctor,
Lord, have mercy.
On the family, friends, and neighbors of Ethel Lance,
Lord, have mercy.
On those who love and will miss Susie Jackson,
Lord, have mercy.
On the loved ones of Cynthia Hurd,
Lord, have mercy.
On those who hurt most at the loss of Tywanza Sanders,
Lord, have mercy.
On the family, friends, parishioners, and student athletes who mourn for Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton,
Lord, have mercy.
On those who weep for Myra Thompson,
Lord, have mercy.
On the family, friends, and church members and staff who grieve the loss of Rev. Daniel Simmons Sr.,
Lord, have mercy.
On all who weep with the victims and their loved ones,
on the Charleston community,
on your own Body,
on those who feel fear and rage and bitterness and hopelessness in the wake of this crime,
Lord, have mercy.
Please grant your comfort and strength;
please send your grace and peace;
please be their strong tower, their mighty fortress, their refuge and strength.
Have mercy, Lord, have mercy.
Show your kindness.
In the darkness, shine your light.
In the horror, give hope.
In the sorrow, send healing,
in Jesus' name, amen.
For Money Spent
Abba, thank you for all the money over the years I haven’t spent
on alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and various other vices.
And thank you for every cent I have spent on date nights, family vacations, and books. Amen.
on alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and various other vices.
And thank you for every cent I have spent on date nights, family vacations, and books. Amen.
Prayer From Ugliness
Dear Lord, we live in an ugly world, we live with polluted TV programing, we live with many corrupt people in high places. Everywhere we turn we are subject to hearing and seeing things we do not want, yet we cannot hide under a rock and pretend it doesn't exist. I believe the answer, dear Lord, is in your Holy Word as Paul tells us how to deal with this godless world system we live in.
Father, every day let my thoughts be on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. When I see or hear something that is not, give me the strength to turn away, or brave enough to stand up and say a word of truth.
Lord, hasten the day that you will return and make everything right. But until then may we be faithful to live each day acting out these attitudes of love, and give us opportunity to share your Gospel with those who will listen. I love You. Amen.
(from the Daily Prayer blog; image from googleimages.com).
Father, every day let my thoughts be on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. When I see or hear something that is not, give me the strength to turn away, or brave enough to stand up and say a word of truth.
Lord, hasten the day that you will return and make everything right. But until then may we be faithful to live each day acting out these attitudes of love, and give us opportunity to share your Gospel with those who will listen. I love You. Amen.
(from the Daily Prayer blog; image from googleimages.com).
Prayers of Others
Whate'er the Future Holds
Whate'er the future holds,
I'm in your hands.
The days I cannot see,
Have all been planned for me...
I'm in your hands.
(revised from the song by Stanley Ditmer)
Songs and Hymns,
Today's Prayer for My Kids and Grandkids
My prayer today for my kids and my grandkids, from the "31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids" app for iPhone and iPad.
On the Anniversary of My Ordination

You have taken me through many twists and turns since that day, and yet your hand is still on me and your presence still with me, granting the privilege of ministering to others the message of reconciliation, the voice of your sublime wisdom, and the divine mysteries. My soul is filled with joy, love, and gratitude for this wholly undeserved privilege I have received. At the same time, I am sad and troubled for having so often, and without reason, failed to respond as I should to your great generosity.
I beg the continual assistance of your infinite goodness which will enable me to accomplish the sublime work for which you have commissioned me. Grant your light in my mind and your strength in my heart that I may daily dispense in greater abundance the fruits of your redemption to all people. Amen.
Special Days
A Choral Cry for Help
A choral prayer of Henry Purcell, based on Psalm 102:1 ("Hear my prayer, O LORD; and let my cry for help come to you"), by the Choir of Clare College, Cambridge.
Songs and Hymns
For Pepper
This, that once launched ships,
established fortunes,
and enriched kingdoms,
is so common to my table
that I have neglected until now
to give thanks for it.
Thank you for pepper.
established fortunes,
and enriched kingdoms,
is so common to my table
that I have neglected until now
to give thanks for it.
Thank you for pepper.
Jar My Complacency
O God,
make me discontented
with things the way they are in the world,
and in my own life.
Make me notice
the stains when people get spilled on.
Make me care
about children and adults in poverty,
the misfit at work,
the people crammed into the mental hospital,
the men, women, and youth behind bars.
Jar my complacency,
expose my excuses,
get me involved in the life of my city and world.
Give me integrity once more, O God,
as we seek to be changed and transformed,
with a new understanding and awareness of our common humanity.
(a prayer of Robert Raines, adapted; by way of Leonard Sweet's Facebook page; photo via everystockphoto.com)
make me discontented
with things the way they are in the world,
and in my own life.
Make me notice
the stains when people get spilled on.
Make me care
about children and adults in poverty,
the misfit at work,
the people crammed into the mental hospital,
the men, women, and youth behind bars.
Jar my complacency,
expose my excuses,
get me involved in the life of my city and world.
Give me integrity once more, O God,
as we seek to be changed and transformed,
with a new understanding and awareness of our common humanity.
(a prayer of Robert Raines, adapted; by way of Leonard Sweet's Facebook page; photo via everystockphoto.com)
Prayers of Others
Great and Little
help me to do great things
as though they were little,
since I do them with your power,
and little things
as though they were great,
since I do them in your name.
(a prayer of Blaise Pascal)
help me to do great things
as though they were little,
since I do them with your power,
and little things
as though they were great,
since I do them in your name.
(a prayer of Blaise Pascal)
Prayers of Others
Mindful of the Moment
Be with me, Lord,
from the moment when I wake,
through the day and night ahead
and until I wake again...
Slow me down, Lord,
when I go too fast,
when I'm running 'round in circles:
pace my steps today that I might do
what's truly mine to do...
Help me lay aside the foolish things
that I don't really need
and lay down all the burdens
I need no longer carry...
Calm my fears
and ease my worries,
lift my spirits,
give me rest...
Open my ears to hear your voice,
my eyes to glimpse your beauty,
my heart to fill with love,
my mind to know your counsel,
my thirsty soul to drink your mercy
and my mouth to give you praise...
Keep me mindful of the moment, Lord,
this day that you have made:
help me find the peace it holds
and the gifts that it may bring...
(a prayer from A Concord Pastor Comments)
from the moment when I wake,
through the day and night ahead
and until I wake again...
Slow me down, Lord,
when I go too fast,
when I'm running 'round in circles:
pace my steps today that I might do
what's truly mine to do...
Help me lay aside the foolish things
that I don't really need
and lay down all the burdens
I need no longer carry...
Calm my fears
and ease my worries,
lift my spirits,
give me rest...
Open my ears to hear your voice,
my eyes to glimpse your beauty,
my heart to fill with love,
my mind to know your counsel,
my thirsty soul to drink your mercy
and my mouth to give you praise...
Keep me mindful of the moment, Lord,
this day that you have made:
help me find the peace it holds
and the gifts that it may bring...
(a prayer from A Concord Pastor Comments)
Prayers of Others
For Those Who Are Praying for Me
thank you for interceding for me (Hebrews 7:25);
Holy Spirit,
thank you for your groans on my behalf (Romans 8:26);
Cloud of witnesses,
thank you for cheering me on (Hebrews 12:1),
thank you for interceding for me (Hebrews 7:25);
Holy Spirit,
thank you for your groans on my behalf (Romans 8:26);
Cloud of witnesses,
thank you for cheering me on (Hebrews 12:1),
Bible Prayers,
The Life Who Died

The Watcher slept, the Great was small,
the Pure baptized, the Life who died,
the King abased to honor all:
praised be your glory.
(a prayer of Ephrem of Edessa, translated by John Howard Rhys. It is the final verse of a hymn as it appears in the Episcopal Hymnal 1982)
All my days and all my hours,
All my will and all my powers,
All the passion of my soul,
Not a fragment but the whole
Shall be Thine, dear Lord,
Shall be Thine, dear Lord.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
All my will and all my powers,
All the passion of my soul,
Not a fragment but the whole
Shall be Thine, dear Lord,
Shall be Thine, dear Lord.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Abba, Father, your Word promises the supply of all my needs according to my riches in Christ Jesus. So I pray:
First, teach me what my needs are and make me wise enough not to confuse my needs with my wants, desires, compulsions, and lusts.
Then, I pray, teach me to ask you boldly, faith-fully, for my needs, and to experience your provision, in Jesus' name, amen.
(photo via everystockphoto.com)
First, teach me what my needs are and make me wise enough not to confuse my needs with my wants, desires, compulsions, and lusts.
Then, I pray, teach me to ask you boldly, faith-fully, for my needs, and to experience your provision, in Jesus' name, amen.
(photo via everystockphoto.com)

for the gift
of thirty-eight years of marriage,
and forty-one years together
with my bride and best friend.
Thank you for the love which grows more precious and for the bonds which grow closer each day. Thank you for all the happiness we've known together, the sorrows we have faced together, and for all the experiences of sunshine and of shadow through which we have come, up to today.
Thank you for the gift of children--and such children! And grandchildren--and such grandchildren! Thank you that our wedding was only the beginning of our joys, and that our devotion to each other and to you has grown with each passing year.
Graciously spare us to each other to go on walking through this life together, and grant that for us it may be true that the best is yet to be, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Special Days
Jesus, Sweet Jesus
Who is like you,
Jesus, sweet Jesus?
You are the light of those who are spiritually lost.
You are the life of those who are spiritually dead.
You are the liberation of those who are imprisoned by guilt.
You are the glory of those who hate themselves.
You are the guardian of those who are paralysed by fear.
You are the guide of those who are bewildered by falsehood.
You are the peace of those who are in turmoil.
You are the prince of those who yearn to be led.
You are the priest of those who seek the truth.
(a prayer of Johann Freylinghausen)
Jesus, sweet Jesus?
You are the light of those who are spiritually lost.
You are the life of those who are spiritually dead.
You are the liberation of those who are imprisoned by guilt.
You are the glory of those who hate themselves.
You are the guardian of those who are paralysed by fear.
You are the guide of those who are bewildered by falsehood.
You are the peace of those who are in turmoil.
You are the prince of those who yearn to be led.
You are the priest of those who seek the truth.
(a prayer of Johann Freylinghausen)
Prayers of Others
A Prayer of Thomas á Kempis
I pray for all those whom I have in any way grieved, vexed, oppressed, or scandalized, by word or deed, knowingly or unknowingly, that you may forgive all our sins and offences against each other.
Take away, O Lord, from our hearts all suspiciousness, indignation, anger, and contention, and whatever is calculated to wound charity or to lessen love of others.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, have mercy on all who seek your mercy; give grace to the needy, make us so to live that we may be found worthy to enjoy the fulfilment of your grace and attain to eternal life.
(a prayer of Thomas á Kempis)
Take away, O Lord, from our hearts all suspiciousness, indignation, anger, and contention, and whatever is calculated to wound charity or to lessen love of others.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, have mercy on all who seek your mercy; give grace to the needy, make us so to live that we may be found worthy to enjoy the fulfilment of your grace and attain to eternal life.
(a prayer of Thomas á Kempis)
Prayers of Others
First Prayer
My prayer today for my kids and my grandkids, from the "31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids" app for iPhone and iPad.
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