Saturday Psalm #24

The earth is yours, Lord, and everything in it;
the whole world, and all its people,
belong to you.
For you started it all,
building it up from the ocean depths,
and parting land and sea.

I long to ascend into your hill, Lord.
I ache to stand in your holy place.

Cleanse my hands, and purify my heart;
rid my heart of its idols,
and purge my tongue of its lies.
Pour out your blessing on me, Lord,
and fill me again with your righteousness,
God of my salvation.

Turn my heart again to seek you wholeheartedly,
to seek your face, O God of Jacob.

I open the gates to you, Lord;
I swing open the doors like the gates of Jerusalem,
that the King of glory may enter in.

You are my King; you are my glory.
You are Adonai, strong and mighty,
Adonai, my Dread Warrior.

I open the gates to you, Lord;
I swing open the doors like the gates of Jerusalem,
that the King of glory may enter in.

You are my King; you are my glory,
the Lord of hosts, the King of glory, amen.

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