God, thank you for this day,
thank you for my salvation,
thank you for my life,
thank you for my health,
thank you for my lovely wife,
thank you for my daughter Aubrey,
thank you for my son Aaron,
thank you for my daughter-in-law Nina,
thank you for my son-in-law Kevin,
thank you for my grandson Miles,
thank you for my granddaughter,
thank you for my soon-to-be-born granddaughter Calleigh,
thank you for your Word,
thank you for your Church,
thank you for the churches I grew up in,
thank you for my coworkers in the Gospel,
thank you for my sight,
thank you for my hearing,
thank you for my sense of smell,
thank you for my sense of taste,
thank you for my sense of touch,
thank you for books,
thank you for my ministry,
thank you for the privilege of preaching,
thank you for the way you’ve enlarged my faith,
thank you for your mercy and grace toward me,
thank you that you have never forsaken me,
thank you for the parents I was born to,
thank you for the brothers you gave me,
thank you for prayer,
thank you for worship,
thank you for my Journey Group,
thank you for the flock I’m a part of at Cobblestone,
thank you for music,
for the ability to sing,
for the strength to get out of bed in the morning,
for the peace to sleep at night,
for the safety and comfort of my home,
for the cars in my garage,
for the safety and good repair of the streets I drive on,
for the many friends of mine who have stayed faithful,
for the heritage of faith passed down in my family,
for the training in righteousness I received as a child,
for the teachers who have taught me over the years,
for the doctors who have helped me,
for the nurses who have waited on me,
for my counselors,
for pharmaceutical companies and their products,
for grocery stores and their products,
for restaurants and their products,
for publishers and their products,
for computers,
for the internet,
for the ability to type,
the ability to read,
the ability to think,
the ability to feel,
the ability to receive and give love,
the ability to lift my grandchildren into my arms,
thank you for the unifying influence of the Spirit,
thank you for your discipline,
thank you for teaching me,
for correcting me,
for speaking to me,
for calling me,
for gifting me,
for being so very patient with me.
Thank you for planes that bring friends closer,
for compliments I have received,
for your comfort in times of sadness,
your stamina in times of despair,
your energy and industry through times of challenge,
for words “fitly spoken” when I needed them.
Thank you that I get to see my children and grandchildren often,
thank you that there are clothes in my closet,
food in my fridge,
water in my pipes,
strength in my bones,
and hair on my head.
Thank you for eyeglasses,
thank you for air conditioning,
thank you for my furnace,
thank you for reliable utilities,
thank you for a safe place to live.
Thank you for art,
thank you for beauty,
thank you for courage,
thank you for faith.
Thank you for The Loft,
thank you for Camp Swoneky,
thank you for the Abbey of Gethsemani,
thank you for the classes I’ve attended,
thank you for the conferences and seminars I’ve learned from,
thank you for the authors who enrich me,
thank you for the preachers who pastor me,
thank you for the saints who tolerate me,
thank you for the broken roads I’ve traveled,
thank you for the mountains and the valleys,
thank you for every victory and defeat,
thank you for the grace to thank you,
in Jesus’ name, amen.