I give you thanks, LORD, for you are good, good, good;
your love goes on and on.
Let all the redeemed say so,
and say so loudly—
all those whom you redeemed
from the hand of our foes,
all those you gathered
out of the darkness,
and brought from distant places
to your side.
You have redeemed those who wandered in wastelands,
empty and alone.
You have redeemed those who were hungry and thirsty,
and feeling their lives ebbing away.
But when we cried out to you in our trouble,
you delivered us from our distress.
You have certainly led me by a straight way
to a city where I could settle.
I give thanks to you, LORD, for your unfailing love
and your wonderful works in my life,
for you satisfy my thirst
and fill me with good things.
Without you, I would be sitting in darkness
and deepest gloom,
a prisoner in chains of my own making,
the victim of my own rebellion,
suffering for my failure to heed the counsel of the Most High.
I deserve nothing but bitter labor,
the most severe punishment.
But I cried to you, LORD,
and you gave me light for darkness,
beauty for ashes,
joy for sorrow,
clean robes for my filthy rags.
You brought me out of darkness
and deepest gloom
and broke my chains.
I give you thanks, LORD, for you are good, good, good;
your love goes on and on,
for you burst through my prison walls
and cut through bars of iron.
Without you, I would be a fool
confounded by my own rebellious ways
and suffering because of my many sins.
I would be too sick to enjoy anything,
and would loathe my life.
But I cried to you, LORD,
and you delivered me,
you spoke your word and healed me;
you brought my life out of the grave.