Not enough ways.
My heartiest thanks can be only a drop in the bucket.
But I do thank you.
For food in the fridge: thank you.
For running water: thank you.
For comfy pillows,
and clean sheets,
and quiet ceiling fans,
and dark bedrooms, thank you.
For quiet times,
For ebooks,
For health,
For a shrinking waistline, thank you.
For five senses: thank you.
For the delivery of mail: thank you.
For music: thank you.
For faithful friends: thank you.
For loving family: thank you.
For napkins,
and coffeemakers,
and sweet tea,
and nearby grocery stores, thank you.
For a job, thank you.
For an income, thank you.
For shoes on my feet, thank you.
For clean water to drink,
and nourishing food,
and clean clothes,
and a hot shower, thank you.
For a lawnmower
and treadclimber
and sunroof
and cell phone, thank you.
For roads
and rails,
for hiking trails,
for enzymes for Calleigh
and preschool for Miles
and doll babies for Mia, thank you.
For iTunes: thank you.
For date night: thank you.
For marriage: thank you.
For creme brule,
and scenic drives,
and remote controls, thank you.
For beauty
and peace
and balance
and prayer....I give you thanks.