I praise you, LORD!
I praise your name.
I praise you in solitude,
I praise you in the company of your servants,
who minister in your house,
who enter your courts with gratitude and joy.
I praise you, LORD, for you are good;
I am lifted up when I lift you up!
For you chose me.
You made me your treasured possession.
And you have shown me so much kindness.
You are great, Lord,
greater than all gods,
more to be desired than anything I can desire.
You do whatever pleases you,
and I pray for your will to be done
on earth, in me, and in mine,
as it is in heaven.
You came up with the idea of clouds,
and rain.
And lightning, Lord.
You conceived the wind.
You invented weather.
You brought your people out of Egypt
in ancient days,
and brought me out of depression,
out of loneliness,
and sin.
You have shown me signs and wonders;
I've seen Cheryl healed,
and Mike,
and others.
I've seen people crushed...
and healed, by your grace.
I've seen people get sober
and saved, like Ed and Butch and Elmer.
I've seen you turn hoarders into givers.
Your name, O LORD, endures forever,
your renown, O LORD, outlives all generations.
And you will vindicate your people;
you will have compassion on your servants.
The idols of this world and this culture are worthless.
They have nothing to offer.
They have nothing I want.
Let my house praise you, LORD;
Let the house of Aaron and Nina praise you.
Let the house of Kevin and Aubrey praise you.
Let your people Cobblestone praise you.
Let your praise resound in me
and around me.
Let it echo like a shofar from Zion,
like a trumpet from the walls of Jerusalem.
Praise the LORD.
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