we beg for softer, gentler,
less fearful, more gracious and generous hearts.
Protect us from our need to control.
Make us more humble, loving, and poor in spirit.
Lead us into new paths of peace.
We pray, too, for the transformation of our world.
May the nations, leaders, and peoples of this planet
turn and embrace your way of humility, poverty, charity.
Empower us to name the lies
and oppose the seductive powers of dominion in our day.
Rebuild your church.
Raise up a whole new generation
of saints willing to let go of all distractions
and willing to take risks for your kingdom.
In poverty, humility, and charity
we pray with St. Francis of Assisi …
Enlighten our darkness, and give us
correct faith and trust,
firm hope,
perfect love (even for our enemies)
wisdom and perception,
that we may do what is truly your most holy will.
(From Words for Worship 2, by way of Jamie Arpin-Ricci's blog and the In-Formatio blog)
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