In the Wake of Hurricane Sandy

Lord God,
strength of the weak
and hope of the helpless,
have mercy on the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Bring light into their darkness,
heat into their cold,
clean water into their plumbing,
electricity into their homes,
fuel to their gas tanks,
food to their mouths.

Please restore soon
what was destroyed so quickly.

Please give wisdom to those who are in positions of leadership
and generosity to those who are in a position to help.

Send patience and peace,
aid and support,
strength and hope to all who are grieving,
and working.

Stifle and subdue the baser instincts of humanity,
and ignite and enlarge the nobler,
that those who serve
and those who are served
may someday soon be better
than they are right now,
in Jesus' name, amen.

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