From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!
(traditional Scottish prayer;
photo via
A daily prayer blog by Bob Hostetler, the author of The Red Letter Prayer Life and the 31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids iPhone and iPad app. Just one prayer each day. Seldom more. Seldom very long. Sometimes personal. Sometimes original. Always sincere.
Into Safe Haven
God of all grace,
give us your peace that passes understanding,
that the quietness that comes
from friendliness with human beings,
and true divine friendship with you may possess our soul;
that we, withdrawn awhile from the turmoil of the world,
may gather the strength that we have lost,
and established and strengthened by your grace,
pass on through all the troubles of this earthly life,
safe into the haven of eternal rest,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
(by George Dawson, Communion of the Saints: Prayers of the Famous; photo via
give us your peace that passes understanding,
that the quietness that comes
from friendliness with human beings,
and true divine friendship with you may possess our soul;
that we, withdrawn awhile from the turmoil of the world,
may gather the strength that we have lost,
and established and strengthened by your grace,
pass on through all the troubles of this earthly life,
safe into the haven of eternal rest,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
(by George Dawson, Communion of the Saints: Prayers of the Famous; photo via
Prayers of Others
A Prayer from Jayber Crow
please grant that my life,
when poured out at the end,
would say,
like a gallon jug
of the prime local spirit.
(a prayer based on words
by the title character
of the Wendell Berry book,
Jayber Crow; photo by JamesDeMers via
please grant that my life,
when poured out at the end,
would say,
like a gallon jug
of the prime local spirit.
(a prayer based on words
by the title character
of the Wendell Berry book,
Jayber Crow; photo by JamesDeMers via
Deliver My Life
Lord God, deliver me please
from the evil of the unexamined life...
the unworshipful life...
the self-centered life...
the self-absorbed life...
the self-satisfied life...
the frantic life...
the marginal life...
the care-filled life...
the accidental life...
the self-reliant life...
the arrogant life...
the inconsequential life...
the shallow life...
the appetite-driven life...
the reactive life...
the fruitless life...
the material life...
the thoughtless life...
the prayerless life...
the small life...
in Jesus' name, amen.
(photo via
from the evil of the unexamined life...
the unworshipful life...
the self-centered life...
the self-absorbed life...
the self-satisfied life...
the frantic life...
the marginal life...
the care-filled life...
the accidental life...
the self-reliant life...
the arrogant life...
the inconsequential life...
the shallow life...
the appetite-driven life...
the reactive life...
the fruitless life...
the material life...
the thoughtless life...
the prayerless life...
the small life...
in Jesus' name, amen.
(photo via
Saturday Psalm #119 (Pt. 4)

You made me, Lord God Adonai;
you created me.
You have given me grace upon grace. Now, please, will
you also give me the further blossoming of the fruit of the Spirit in my life?
You bring me joy, and
you have lately reawakened joy in my spirit, in your service; now let
your joy abound in my life, abound and abound.
Your word is my hope.
Your voice is my inspiration.
Your unfailing love is my comfort.
Your promises are my strength.
Your tender mercies--let them surround me so I may live.
Your instructions--let them be my passion.
Your people--they are my people.
Your desires--make them my desires, and I will never be ashamed.
King Jesus, I do get worn out,
but I have put my hope in your word.
King Eternal, I do sometimes lose patience
awaiting the fulfillment of all your promises,
looking for your vindication, your deliverance.
Keep me as the apple of your eye.
Keep me faithful to you in all I do and say.
Keep me refreshed in your Word, and
keep me kind to all, even to those who persecute me.
Lord, your eternal word stands firm in heaven.
Lover of my soul, your faithfulness extends to every generation,
and has never yet failed me.
Lord, you have been so faithful to accomplish your plans in me,
and I know you are still working on me, sometimes painfully,
until I reflect your likeness.
Lighten my steps today with the joy of the Lord.
Lift me up and let me stand on your Word.
Let my mind be constantly trained by your gracious precepts.
Limitless is your perfection, and your enduring
love for me, the
lowliest of your servants, my
Lord, my God.
Bible Prayers,
To Overflow with Hope
My prayer today for my kids and my grandkids, from the "31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids" app for iPhone and iPad.
Bible Prayers
Lord God Adonai, I need you today. I would say "I need you more than ever," or "especially" today, but I know my need of you, being utter and complete, never changes. But I feel my need of you today, keenly. I need you. Oh God, come to my assistance; oh Lord, make haste to help me. Amen.
(photo via
(photo via
A Prayer of Peter...and Me
Bible Prayers
Maker and King
My Maker and my King,
To you my all I owe;
Your constant goodness is the spring
From which my blessings flow.
The creature of your hand,
On you alone I live;
Your countless benefits demand
More praise than I can give.
O let your grace inspire
My soul with strength and praise;
Let all my powers to you aspire,
And bless you all my days.
(a hymn by Anne Steele, slightly updated; photo via
To you my all I owe;
Your constant goodness is the spring
From which my blessings flow.
The creature of your hand,
On you alone I live;
Your countless benefits demand
More praise than I can give.
O let your grace inspire
My soul with strength and praise;
Let all my powers to you aspire,
And bless you all my days.
(a hymn by Anne Steele, slightly updated; photo via
Songs and Hymns
For a Friend Who Waits
Lord, you know my friend is in a crisis, awaiting word, trying to stay calm, hoping for hope. Please hear my prayer and the prayers of all who share my concern: Send healing. Grant a wildly successful surgery. Prompt relief and gratitude by the clear sign of your providential, even miraculous, work. Let this day bring hope and clear confirmation of "your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days" (Psalm 90:14, NIV). Show your mercy and grace, your power and glory, your love and beauty, in Jesus' name, amen.
Saturday Psalm #119 (Pt. 3)

Zealously remember your word to your servant, Lord,
your many promises and assurances.
Zealously comfort me in my affliction,
for your presence is life to me.
Whoever may deride me, or despise me,
I will do whatever you ask, whatever you command.
Grant that I may take comfort in your commands,
and defend your honor against those who lie
and attack
and forsake your commands.
What is it with people, Lord,
that we can call ourselves by your name
and yet blatantly ignore what you tell us to do,
how you tell us to act?
Your words are my lyrics, O Lord,
wherever I am.
I am blessed.
Hallelujah, LORD! You are my portion; I await your command.
Help me, and grant me your favor; be gracious to me according to your promise.
Hasten to my assistance and turn my feet to your testimonies;
hasten and do not delay.
Help me when the wicked ensnare me;
hold me close when my "friends" desert me.
Help me to stay faithful in praising and seeking you,
and keep me in the company of all who fear you,
of those who keep your precepts.
Hallelujah, LORD! The earth blossoms with your steadfast love;
help me to learn your ways.
Triune God, you have dealt well with your servant,
true to your word.
Teach me discernment and wisdom,
that I may better follow you and please you and glorify you.
Too many times I have neglected your way, but hallelujah! you have
taught me faithfulness.
Triune God, you are good and do good;
train me in your ways.
Take the lies some people tell about me,
those whose hearts are unfeeling, and
turn them somehow to accomplish your glory.
The words of your mouth are priceless to me, more priceless
than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Bible Prayers,
Then and Now

but you love me right now.
Thank you that you saved me
and are saving me.
Thank you that you spoke,
and that you speak.
Thank you that you gave yourself for me
and that you give yourself to me.
Thank you that you thought of me eons ago
and think of me still,
that you made a way for me
and make a way for me still,
that you answered my prayers
and answer them still.
Thank you, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
that you are the God of the living THEN
and of my life NOW, in Jesus' name, amen.
Visibly or Invisibly
Father, you know us in secret,
and you know all our secret places.
What we do to benefit your kingdom
will not be lost if it is not seen by others,
for you see
and you reward according to your grace and mercy.
Strengthen us to do good works,
visibly or invisibly,
always in your name.
(a prayer of G. K. Chesterton).
and you know all our secret places.
What we do to benefit your kingdom
will not be lost if it is not seen by others,
for you see
and you reward according to your grace and mercy.
Strengthen us to do good works,
visibly or invisibly,
always in your name.
(a prayer of G. K. Chesterton).
Prayers of Others
I'm Irritated
Lord,I'm irritated. But before I take out my irritation on others, help me to pause and respond in love instead. When I want to lash out, overwhelm me with the power of your love. Keep me from saying something I will later regret. Teach me to treat others with love so that I can continue to be a credible witness for you.
(an excerpt from the book, 365 Pocket Prayers, by Ron Beers)
Prayers of Others
For Aubrey
It's my favorite daughter's birthday, Lord.
I still can't fathom,
can't even process,
that she is all she is.
I'm still and always amazed
at how kindly, fully, and generously
you've answered my prayers
and her mother's prayers
for her.
You have made her faithful like Ruth and regal like Esther,
fierce like Deborah and brilliant like Abigail,
industrious like Lydia and a leader like Junia.
I give you so much praise and thanks
for my only daughter,
my firstborn, my Blossom;
for the child you gave me,
the woman she is,
the love we share,
the pride and joy I feel in her,
the blessings you've given her,
and the blessings you've given me through her.
Please bless her abundantly today
and in all the days to come.
Keep her safe and well.
Keep her marriage strong and beautiful.
Prosper her and her husband,
answer their prayers,
supply their needs,
fulfill their dreams.
Let her children continue to grow in happiness, health, and holiness.
Reward Aubrey's love and faithfulness and diligence as a mom
with beauty and grace, charm and wisdom,
health and wholeness, integrity and strength in each of her children
as you have done for me in mine.
Show her every kindness,
grant her your favor,
use her,
bless her,
hold her,
in Jesus' name, amen.
I still can't fathom,
can't even process,
that she is all she is.
I'm still and always amazed
at how kindly, fully, and generously
you've answered my prayers
and her mother's prayers
for her.
You have made her faithful like Ruth and regal like Esther,
fierce like Deborah and brilliant like Abigail,
industrious like Lydia and a leader like Junia.
I give you so much praise and thanks
for my only daughter,
my firstborn, my Blossom;
for the child you gave me,
the woman she is,
the love we share,
the pride and joy I feel in her,
the blessings you've given her,
and the blessings you've given me through her.
Please bless her abundantly today
and in all the days to come.
Keep her safe and well.
Keep her marriage strong and beautiful.
Prosper her and her husband,
answer their prayers,
supply their needs,
fulfill their dreams.
Let her children continue to grow in happiness, health, and holiness.
Reward Aubrey's love and faithfulness and diligence as a mom
with beauty and grace, charm and wisdom,
health and wholeness, integrity and strength in each of her children
as you have done for me in mine.
Show her every kindness,
grant her your favor,
use her,
bless her,
hold her,
in Jesus' name, amen.
Special Days
Saturday Psalm #119 (Pt. 2)

Dear Lord, I do get knocked down, but your Word revives me.
Deliver me from my own plans, and teach me to wait on you.
Direct me with your Word, and teach me
Dry my weeping eyes with the consolation of your words.
Deliver me from self-deception and grant me the
distinction of knowing and heeding your instructions.
Draw me closer to you,
draw the contours of my life to align with your gracious Word.
Dread Warrior King, I cling to your laws.
Deliver me from shame and ignorance, and
drive evildoers far from me.
Heavenly Father, teach me.
Holy God, make me holy.
Handle me gently and mold my heart to beat in rhythm with your commands,
for that is where my happiness is found.
Hold me tightly,
fill me with an eagerness for your laws.
Heal me and turn my eyes from worthless things,
and focus me instead on your beauty.
Help me trust in your promise.
Help me abandon all shameful ways.
Help me become every day more like The Word.
Help me to be renewed every day by your goodness.
Wonderful Counselor, Lord God, give me your unfailing love,
write your salvation on my life.
Work in me the things that please you and answer those who revile me,
wake me each day with the truth of your Word.
With you, and with your Word, I can hope.
With you, and with your Word, I can thrive.
With you, and with your Word, I can walk in freedom,
with utter devotion to your commandments.
With you, and with your Word, I can talk to kings and
will not be ashamed.
Wonderful is your Word.
Wonderful are you.
Bible Prayers,

(a prayer of John Calvin, in his Commentary on Hosea, translated into English in 1846 and updated by me into modern English)
Prayers of Others
Untimely Judgments
help me to do as your Word says,
and not make judgments about anyone ahead of time,
but to wait until the day of the Lord's return
when he will bring our darkest secrets to light,
reveal our private motives,
and give to each of us whatever is due,
in Jesus' name, amen.
(based on 1 Corinthians 4:4-5)
Bible Prayers
To Walk in the Day
Grant, Lord, that I may walk in the day,
and not stumble,
because I see the Light of this world (John 11:9),
in Jesus' name, amen.
(image by blanca_rovira via
Bible Prayers
Make Them Like You
My prayer today for my kids and my grandkids, from the "31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids" app for iPhone and iPad:
Bible Prayers
Another Harvest Home
Almighty God, who holdest the yellow moon like a cherry bowl on the tips of thy fingers, is not our newly cleaned and covered corncrib an altar to thee?
As the silk retreats into the browning shuck, as the sap recedes and the day grows shorter, as the dahlias dance and the fringed gentians put on blue veils, as the apple seed darkens and the milkweed blows fairy cotton all over the place, as the blackbirds hold county convention and the patriarch swallow calls his family together, as the ewe weans her lambs and the calves let their hair grow, we know, Good Landlord, that another Harvest Home is come.
We thank thee for all this plenty that we are now too ingather.
And we pray thee for peace.
For enduring peace, based on this plenty, around the world.
(from the book, The Farmer Gives Thanks; photo by 6151189 via
As the silk retreats into the browning shuck, as the sap recedes and the day grows shorter, as the dahlias dance and the fringed gentians put on blue veils, as the apple seed darkens and the milkweed blows fairy cotton all over the place, as the blackbirds hold county convention and the patriarch swallow calls his family together, as the ewe weans her lambs and the calves let their hair grow, we know, Good Landlord, that another Harvest Home is come.
We thank thee for all this plenty that we are now too ingather.
And we pray thee for peace.
For enduring peace, based on this plenty, around the world.
(from the book, The Farmer Gives Thanks; photo by 6151189 via
Prayers of Others
Saturday Psalm #119 (Pt. 1)

Abba, I am always better off when I walk in your ways,
always better off to keep my eyes on you,
always better off to follow your instructions,
always better off to seek you with my whole heart;
Always better off to make your ways mine, than to foolishly try to make my ways yours!
Always better off to align my life with your Word and will,
always better off to keep my mind stayed on you;
Always better off to meditate on your Word, and stay faithful in prayer,
always better off praise you with my lips and follow you with my life.
Bless me Lord, and help me to keep my way pure,
by aligning my life with your word.
Be the object of my heart's desire,
be the end of my life's pursuit.
Bless me with the ability to remember your words, to
be guided by them and not by temptation.
Blessed are you, O LORD;
by your gracious Word I am molded.
Bring your words to my mind repeatedly throughout the day.
Bind them to my mind and heart and will like a phylactery.
Gracious God, be generous to your servant, and I will live;
give me favor and I will respond with gratitude.
Guide me by your wonderful Word, and
grant that I may hear your voice clearly and unmistakably.
Give me clear directions, and
go with me everywhere I go.
God, my soul is consumed with longing for you, I am
greedy for you, for your words.
Give the arrogant what they deserve;
grant me continued deliverance from them.
Grant your blessing to me and those I love, your
great reward in the faces of liars.
Gracious God, you delight me in every way;
guide and counsel me with your Word.
Bible Prayers,
The Refreshment of Prayer
Lord, what a change within us one short hour
Spent in Thy presence will prevail to make;
What heavy burdens from our bosoms take,
What parched fields refresh as with a shower.
We kneel, and all around us seems to lower;
We rise, and all, the distant and the near,
Stands forth in sunny outline, brave and clear;
We kneel how weak; we rise how full of power!
Why should we ever weak or heartless be,
Why are we ever overborne with care,
Anxious or troubled, when with us is prayer,
And joy, and strength, and courage are with Thee?
(a prayer of Richard Trent, by way of Leonard Sweet's Facebook page; image via
Spent in Thy presence will prevail to make;
What heavy burdens from our bosoms take,
What parched fields refresh as with a shower.
We kneel, and all around us seems to lower;
We rise, and all, the distant and the near,
Stands forth in sunny outline, brave and clear;
We kneel how weak; we rise how full of power!
Why should we ever weak or heartless be,
Why are we ever overborne with care,
Anxious or troubled, when with us is prayer,
And joy, and strength, and courage are with Thee?
(a prayer of Richard Trent, by way of Leonard Sweet's Facebook page; image via
Prayers of Others
Thank you, Lord, that the seasons of my life
have included so many births, and so few deaths;
more times to plant, than times of plucking up that which is planted;
No times to kill, and many times to heal;
infrequent times to break down, and frequent times to build up;
Fewer times to weep than times to laugh;
Fewer times to mourn than times to dance.
Thank you for those times to cast away stones, and times of gathering stones together;
thank you for times of embracing, and times to refrain from embracing;
Thank you for so many times to get, and so few times to lose,
so many times to keep, and so few times to cast away.
Make me wise to recognize times to rend, and times to sew;
times to keep silence, and times to speak;
times to love, and times to hate;
times of war, and times of peace,
in Jesus' name, amen
(based on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, KJV; photo via
have included so many births, and so few deaths;
more times to plant, than times of plucking up that which is planted;
No times to kill, and many times to heal;
infrequent times to break down, and frequent times to build up;
Fewer times to weep than times to laugh;
Fewer times to mourn than times to dance.
Thank you for those times to cast away stones, and times of gathering stones together;
thank you for times of embracing, and times to refrain from embracing;
Thank you for so many times to get, and so few times to lose,
so many times to keep, and so few times to cast away.
Make me wise to recognize times to rend, and times to sew;
times to keep silence, and times to speak;
times to love, and times to hate;
times of war, and times of peace,
in Jesus' name, amen
(based on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, KJV; photo via
Bible Prayers,
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