A daily prayer blog by Bob Hostetler, the author of The Red Letter Prayer Life and the 31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids iPhone and iPad app. Just one prayer each day. Seldom more. Seldom very long. Sometimes personal. Sometimes original. Always sincere.
Prayer from Under the Broomtree
Lord God of Elijah, I do not ask, like your servant the prophet, who cried out from under the broomtree, and asked you to let him die.
But I do ask you to come, in a still small voice. Come to my weary heart. Come to my desert place. Come to my broomtree. Come. Amen.
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Dewey Hughes
Oh Lord God of Bob Hostetler, I pray you grant his prayer. Come to him in a mighty, miraculous and powerfully bold way. Come to him quickly, come even as I agree with him in prayer.
1 comment:
Oh Lord God of Bob Hostetler, I pray you grant his prayer. Come to him in a mighty, miraculous and powerfully bold way. Come to him quickly, come even as I agree with him in prayer.
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