Gracious God, in the midst of the busy-ness of my life, I often forget that you are near me, waiting patiently for my attention. I come to you when I am troubled, but I am so easily consumed with the round of activity that I don’t sit in stillness and feel your presence in the beat of my heart. Help me now, while I am away from work, to enter the space of quiet awe within my own soul, and find you there. Give me the silence and solitude I need to hear my heart beat again. Let me be astonished by the movement of your breath in me and startled by the closeness of your Spirit, so that when I return to the demands of my life, I will know again the importance of staying in your presence. I ask this for the sake of your love. Amen.
(from http://www.explorefaith.org/prayer/essays/vacationpray.html)
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Thanks, :)
Btw You Blog Is Pretty Cool.
Thank you for the reminder to "Be still and know that He is God" in the middle of a busy, chaotic world.
Deb Stacy
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