Please cure me of a false assessment of success; save me from pursuing status, power, position, or recognition. Deliver me from the “relentless drive to enhance my image in the eyes of admirers.
Heal me from having a flawed agenda for pursuing success; help me to seek not to lord it over anyone, but to be like the Son of Man, who “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life—a ransom for many” (Mark 10:42-45). Help me to feel your pleasure in truly serving others, in literally or figuratively washing their feet, and in stooping low so that I may identify with my Lord who stooped all the way from heaven to earth for my sake.
And please grant that my life may reflect the only godly application of success in bringing glory to you and honor to your name. Save me, too, from being proud of my humility when I spurn the pleasure of achievement and scorn compliments and praise.
Shatter the idol of success in me and be exalted to your rightful place in my heart, mind, and life, my King and my God, in Jesus’ name, amen.
(the prayer that closes chapter nine, "The Lexus Nexus," in my book, American Idols)
I think this was a very thought-provoking post and I appreciated your prayer.
Thanks for the comment, Pamela! God bless you.
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