Lord, have mercy. Have mercy on him. Nurture him in the womb and keep him safe. Bring him into this world with every possible blessing, and heal him. Heal him. Now. Or later. But speed healing to his tiny frame.
Have mercy on his parents, too, and comfort them in their grief and loss, and in their adjustment to the realization of the coming decades of treatments and diligence and care. As you have done with Calleigh, build their faith and deepen their dependence on you.
Have mercy on his grandparents and other family members, who had prayed and hoped for news of health. Teach us all new ways to support his sister and parents, and draw tight around them the bonds of family and friends who will do whatever is needed to help this boy thrive.
Have mercy on everyone with CF, and speed the day when discussions of caution, infections, treatments, and life expectancies are a thing of the past, in Jesus' name, amen.
THinking bout you all always but especially at this time - remember there has to be rain so there can be rainbows - lets look forward to the rainbow xxxx
Thank you, dear (and distant) friend. God knows best, we will trust him...and pray for healing.
Thanks for this...our daughter is carrying our first grandchild...who has been diagnosed with holopresoncephaly, a lethal brain deformity.This precious little unborn baby girl will see Jesus face to face, perhaps before full term; certainly shortly after she is born. We pray for helaing, too - in a different way - and trust Him in all things.
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