My Heart is Yours

My heart is yours, Lord; my heart is yours.
My life is yours.
My wife is yours.
My children.
My grandchildren.
All yours.
My worship.
My allegiance.
My devotion
and attention belong to you.
My work,
my writing,
my speaking. .
My mind and soul and strength,
my hurts and sorrows,
my hopes and dreams,
my past, present, and future--
all yours.
My talents,
my strengths,
my weaknesses,
my hands and eyes and ears and voice,
my moments and my days,
my joys and laughter,
pleasures and pains.
All I am and all I have are yours.
Do what you will.
You have my heart,
you have my trust,
you have my all,
in Jesus' name, amen.

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