For Wildfire Country

Holy God, in the wake of fires that devour and consume,
Refresh us with the water of life.
In the barren places of ash and dust,
Restore us with the water of life.
When all we can see is devastation and despair,
Renew us with the water of life.

When those whose vocations are to protect the property of others are tired and weary,
Renew them with the water of life.
When the creatures of the forest are frightened, displaced, or injured,
Renew them with the water of life.
When the fires have ceased, the cycle of renewal begins, and the plants and animals return,
Renew them with the water of life.

In Christ, we are washed clean.
We are refreshed.
In Christ, we drink from the wellspring of hope.
We are restored.
In Christ, we dance in the fountain of life.
We are renewed.
Thanks be to God. Amen.

(based upon a Litany from ELCA Worship resources)

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