One Prayer a Day
A daily prayer blog by Bob Hostetler, the author of The Red Letter Prayer Life and the 31 Ways to Pray for Your Kids iPhone and iPad app. Just one prayer each day. Seldom more. Seldom very long. Sometimes personal. Sometimes original. Always sincere.
What a friend I have in you, Jesus,
all my sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to you in prayer!
O what peace I often forfeit,
O what needless pain I bear,
when I fail to carry
everything to you in prayer.
(from a hymn by Joseph M. Scriven, somewhat revised; photo by amaury_guti via
Songs and Hymns
More Than Solomon
my body creaks and my hair is awful gray,
but Solomon in all his glory
didn't have the health and comfort I enjoy.
And the one wife I have
(compared to his 700 wives)
is more than I can handle,
but Solomon in all his glory
didn't have the lovely Robin to call his own,
his one,
his only.
And these children and grandchildren of mine--
Solomon in all his glory
could not have been happier or prouder or fuller than me.
And this home is no palace, for sure,
but Solomon in all his glory
didn't have his needs met, his comfort regulated, like this.
And I don't have all the books I'd like to have,
nor the time I'd love to read them,
but Solomon in all his glory
didn't have access to the volumes of truth and beauty I have at my fingertips.
And, sure, I have to carefully watch what I eat for the sake of my health and my weight,
but Solomon in all his glory
didn't have coffee every morning, donuts every so often, and fruit year-round.
And most of all, of course, though I am a fitful follower and a poor servant,
yet Solomon in all his glory
didn't know what it is to be rescued from the domain of darkness,
transferred to the kingdom of God's beloved Son,
in whom I have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
So thank you, Lord,
thank you,
that Solomon in all his glory
was not blessed like this.
My Soul's Horizons
O Lord, you are the God of the early mornings,
the God of the late nights,
the God of the mountain peaks,
and the God of the sea.
But, my God, my soul has horizons further away than those of early mornings,
deeper darkness than the nights of earth,
higher peaks than any mountain peaks,
greater depths than any sea in nature.
You who are the God of all these,
be my God.
I cannot reach to the heights or to the depths;
there are motives I cannot discover,
dreams I cannot realize.
My God, search me.
(a prayer of Oswald Chambers, from My Utmost for His Highest (updated edition), January 9 selection).
Prayers of Others
Who Shaped the Mountains
Lord God Almighty, I praise you because you are the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals your every thought. You turn the light of dawn into darkness and tread the mountains under your feet.
(based on Amos 4:13)
(based on Amos 4:13)
Bible Prayers
Sweep Away My Clutter
God of compassion,
God of forgiveness,
I need your presence.
Great Physician, I need healing.
I am spiritually lukewarm
and unbelief mars my confidence
in trusting you--
brokenness and repeated failures
occupy my attention.
It astounds me that I continually try to battle life's issues on my own.
Sin makes me forget you.
Too long I have neglected the closet of prayer...
Too long I have forsaken the refreshment of your Word...
The cobwebs of indifference and the dust of life's cares choke my soul.
Broken relationships and shattered trust have prevented the health and healing of your Word.
But now--this moment,
I turn from absenteeism to the mercy seat.
I praise you for permission to approach the throne of grace.
Here, I pour out my confession of sin:
foolishly questioning your providence.
Divinely sweep away my soul's clutter.
Pour down upon me streams of needful grace.
Engage my heart to live more faithfully for you.
Your presence alone can make me holy,
I praise you for forgiveness--
Accomplish in me your eternal purposes, through Jesus Christ, my only hope, my only Savior.
("Prayer Number Thirty-Seven" from A Pastor Prays for His People (A Collection of Wise and Loving Prayers to Help You through Life's Journey) by pastor Dr. Wendell C. Hawley; photo by MabelAmber via
Prayers of Others
Almighty and everlasting God, who has made known the incarnation of your Son by the bright shining of a star, which, when the wise men beheld, they presented costly gifts and adored your majesty; grant that the star of your righteousness may always shine into our hearts; and that, as our treasure, we may give ourselves and all we possess to your service, through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
(from the Gelasian Sacramentary; image by Pancho_2323chivas via
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