Bob HostetlerLord, I rejoice in you with all your righteous ones,
those whom your praise adorns.
How I wish I could praise you on a harp,
and accompany your praise with a guitar.
But even so, I will sing songs to you, new songs;
I will sing loud and long, with laughter in my heart,
for your word, Lord, is wonderful,
and everything you do is excellent.
You love righteousness and justice;
the earth abounds with your goodness.
Your word painted the canvas of heaven,
and your breath spoke galaxies into existence.
You herd the waves of the sea like a shepherd,
and tell the mighty oceans to “Stay!”—and they do!
The whole earth should worship you,
and everyone with half a brain should revere you,
for you speak and it happens;
you say so and it is so.
You trip up the mightiest generals on earth,
and throw armies into chaos.
But your plans cannot be thwarted,
and when you design something, it will be done.
Blessed is the nation that acknowledges you, Lord.
Blessed are the people who are called by your Name.
You look down from your heavenly throne
and see every soul on earth—all six billion of them!
Nothing escapes your gaze
as you sit on your throne.
You know every heart, and you know mine;
you oversee every deed, and you see mine.
No king is protected by his great army.
No soldier is saved by his own strength.
No amount of air power or ground strength
is sufficient to save.
You alone, Lord, are the hope of the wise,
the banner of victory for all who trust in your love for them.
You alone can deliver me today.
You alone can spare me from defeat and discouragement.
I wait for your deliverance, Lord.
You are my help and shield.
My heart will rejoice in you,
and call my victory what it is—your victory—
because I trust in your holy name.
Lord, please show us your kindness,
because you are our only hope.
You are all we seek.