I give you my thanks, LORD, for you are good,
and your love never fails.
I will say it again:
your love never fails.
I will say it wherever I go:
your love never fails.
I will say it whatever happens:
your love never fails.
In my lowest moments I cried out to you,
and you answered me
and set me free.
You are with me; how can I be afraid?
What can man do to me?
If you decide to bless me,
who can stand against me?
I will take refuge in you, LORD;
I am learning not to trust in man
or rely on the approval of anyone but you.
I've learned the hard way,
but by your grace,
I am learning to seek your pleasure
even in the face of the hypocritical and hyper-critical,
who sometimes seem to surround me on every side.
swarming like bees.
But with your help, I stand.
I've been pushed to my limit at times,
but you never failed to help me.
You are my strength and my song;
my great and constant deliverer.
Let shouts of joy and victory
once again resound in the tents of the righteous.
Let your people once more declare,
"The LORD's right hand has done mighty things!"
Let your right hand be lifted high;
let your right hand do mighty things in our midst.
Open for me the gates of righteousness;
and I promise, I will enter and give thanks to you.
I will give you thanks, for you answered me;
and never fail to deliver me.
Put me anywhere you want,
use me any way that will bring you pleasure,
even if that means
more brokenness and pain.
As long as I know it is you doing it,
I will be content.
This is the day you have made;
whatever it brings, I will rejoice in it.
O LORD, save us;
O LORD, grant us success.
You are God,
and you have made your light shine upon me.
you lead me in triumphal procession in Christ
You are my God, and I will give you thanks;
you are my God, and I will exalt you,
spreading everywhere the fragrance
of the knowledge of your Son, by your grace.
I give you my thanks, LORD, for you are good,
and your love never fails.