I Take the Blessing From Above

What am I, O Thou glorious God,
And what my father's house to Thee,
That Thou such mercies have bestowed
On me, the chief of sinners, me?
I take the blessing from above
And wonder at Thy boundless love.

Honor and might and thanks and praise,
I render Thee, O pardoning God,
Extol the riches of Thy grace
And spread Thy saving name abroad,
That only name to sinners given
Which lifts poor dying souls to Heaven.

Jesus, I bless Thy gracious power,
And all within me shouts Thy name;
Thy name let every soul adore,
Thy power let every tongue proclaim,
Thy grace let every sinner know
And find (with me) their Heaven below.

(from a hymn by Charles Wesley)

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