Restored Joy

Thank you, Lord God Adonai,
for restoring to me the joy of my salvation,
the joy of your presence,
the joy of work,
the joy of friendship,
the joy of my ministry,
the joy of preaching,
the joy of studying,
the joy of life.

You have answered my prayers,
you have renewed a steadfast spirit within me,
you have granted me a willing spirit, to sustain me,
and a respite from past pains....
either that, or you have granted me victory
over pain.

Either way, I thank you and bless you.
Open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise.
In your good pleasure make Cobblestone prosper.
Build up the walls of your protection around her.
And let me be a part of your good plans for all who serve you there,
in Jesus' name, amen.

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