Yet I have much to be thankful for. Thank you that no one was hurt. Thank you that my iPad and wallet, which were in the car, were not stolen! Thank you that insurance will cover the stereo and the CDs. Thank you that only possessions were harmed, not people. Thank you that it was such a minor disruption in my life.
Thank you, too, that I am so rich as to possess something worth stealing (though the worth of the stereo is debatable!). Thank you that the loss is insufficient to ruin me financially, or even set me back much at all. Thank you that I was still able to deliver the large-print Bible I had purchased (!) to my dad, and return home safely.
In your wise and loving sovereignty, Lord, let the person or persons who vandalized my car actually USE the Bible CDs. Let them hear your word, dramatized even!, and be drawn closer to you by it. Don't let my former property be used to cause harm, to buy drugs, or bring misery. Instead, let this theft be a means of salvation, even. Let your ways become known, your saving power, even through an event such as this, in Jesus' name, amen.
WOW YOU REALLY HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER DON'T You>>>>>>>>???????????????we used to have books stolen out of our always open lds institute liabrary and felt the same as you<><<>hoed they woould use the stuff
It takes a special kind of thief to steal a Bible (on CD or otherwise!) I pray too that they will hear it and be changed by it.
Every year a large number of cars are vandalized. The reasons for the vandalism can be endless but the result is always frustrating for the car owners.
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