in these days of different pursuits,
when my life and service has changed
from preaching and leading
to writing and speaking,
please guard the gifts you have given me,
and save me from neglecting
or missing any service to which you call me.
I love where you've placed me,
and it would be so easy
to be not only content but complacent.
Help me, Lord, not to do that.
Open doors for me to preach
if that's what you want.
Keep them shut
if that's what you want.
I want
what you want,
when you want,
where you want,
in Jesus' name, amen.
Very timely message for me, Bob, and I'm probably not the only one.
I'm glad your ministry widened out into one that can touch a large audience.I just know your writings and probably wouldn't have ever heard you preach.
Thank you, Tracy! Such kind words.
Very beautiful!!
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