who marvelously created
the world out of nothing,
who governs and upholds heaven
and earth with your power,
who delivered to death
your only-begotten
for us:
O God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
who willed to be incarnate of a virgin,
who has washed us from our sins
by your precious blood,
who rising from the dead
ascended victorious to heaven:
O God the Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
who descended upon Jesus in
the form of a dove,
who coming upon the apostles
appeared in fiery tongues,
who visits and confirms with your grace
the hearts of the saints:
O sacred, highest, eternal, blissful,
blessed Trinity,
always to be praised, yet always
O Father good -
O Son loving -
O Spirit kind -
whose majesty is unspeakable,
whose power is incomparable,
whose goodness is inestimable:
whose work is life,
whose love is grace,
whose contemplation is glory:
Deity, Divinity, Unity, Trinity:
I worship you, I call upon you,
with the whole affection of my heart
I bless you now and forever:
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
(a prayer of Lancelot Andrewes, slightly updated)
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