For Syria

Father God,
in unity with the suffering Christians of Syria,
I pray, "Enough! Enough! Enough of war in Syria."

In agreement with Gregorios III,
Melkite Greek Patriarch of Antioch and Bishop of Damascus,
I pray for peace in Syria.
I ask for comfort and strength
for those who grieve
the more than 220,000 dead.
I beg for provision and sustenance
for the 3.8 million Syrian refugees in nearby countries,
and the estimated 8 million Syrians who have been displaced within Syria.
I plead for food, medicine, medical care, beds, heat, electricity,
and other needs to be provided.

I pray for strife to cease
and peace to return.
I pray for hatred and oppression
to be overcome by love and cooperation.
I pray for my Christian brothers and sisters
(in the words of the patriarch) to be patient, strong,
always to hope and to hang on to hope and faith.
I pray for the brave and faithful pastors
who stay and serve; protect and strengthen them, Lord.
I pray for supernatural protection of churches and Christian communities in Syria.
I pray for the church around the world to awaken to their need.
I pray for leaders of the world's nations to heed the cries of the Syrian people.
Oh Lord, hear my prayer.

(a response to Patriarch Gregorios's call to prayer; photo credit: Carole AlFarah/Aid to the Church in Need)

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