Good Thanks

O my Lord, my Lord,
I thank Thee for that I am, that I am alive, that I am rational:
for nurture, preservation, governance: for education, citizenship, religion:
for Thy gifts of grace, nature, estate:
for redemption, regeneration, instruction:
for calling, recalling, further calling manifold:
for forbearance, longsuffering, long longsuffering towards me,
many times, many years, until now:
for all good offices I have received, good speed I have gotten:
for any good thing done:
for the use of things present, thy promise and my hope touching the fruition of the good things to come:
for my parents honest and good,
teachers gentle,
benefactors always to be had in remembrance,
colleagues likeminded,
hearers attentive,
friends sincere,
retainers faithful:
for all who have stood me in good stead by their writings, their sermons, conversations, prayers, examples, rebukes, wrongs:
for these things and all other, which I wot of, which I wot not of,
open and secret,
things I remember, things I have forgotten withal,
things done to me after my will or yet against my will,
I confess to Thee and bless Thee and give thanks unto Thee,
and I will confess and bless and give thanks to Thee all the days of my life.
What thanks can I render to God again for all the benefits that He hath done unto me?

(a prayer of Lancelot Andrewes)

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