Almighty God,
I am in the midst of a situation that requires me to do what seems impossible. I need your help! Despite the overwhelming circumstances, I thank you for encouraging me to follow you one day at a time. Please narrow my focus to the little tasks I can do today, and empower me to accomplish those so that over time, I might get through this overwhelming challenge. I will trust you to take care of what I cannot control. Thank you that this obstacle is an opportunity for you to show me your power. When I think of it that way, my circumstances don't seem so overwhelming. These hardships that frighten me are often the things that strengthen my faith the most. When I'm looking at the obstacles in my path, please remind that there is always a little something I can do to make progress--take a small step, make a phone call, write a note, study, pray. Thank you, God, for giving me small opportunities each day to obey you so I might overcome life's obstacles through continued faithfulness.
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