O Gladsome Light

Be unto me, O Lord, 
always thy mighty hand for defence: 
thy mercy in Christ for salvation: 
thine all true word for instruction: 
the grace of thy life-bringing Spirit 
for comfort until the end and in the end. 

I commend unto Thee, 
O Lord, 
my soul and my body,
my mind and my thoughts,
my words and my deeds,
my hands, feet and eyes,
my life and my death.

O Gladsome Light of the holy glory of the immortal Father, heavenly holy, blest, O Jesus Christ, being come to the going down of the sun, seeing the evening light, we hymn the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God. Worthy art Thou at all times to be hymned with holy voices, Son of God, which givest life: therefore the world doth glorify Thee.

(a prayer of Lancelot Andrewes; photo by Paul_Henri via pixabay.com)

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