My Psalm 23

Bob Hostetler

Lord, you are my shepherd;
in your hand is everything I need:
you give me rest in lush green meadows,
you lead me beside gently flowing streams,
you renew my strength,
and lead me along good paths—
all of which reinforces your reputation as a good shepherd.

So, even if I must walk through the darkest valley,
where danger and death surrounds me,
I will not be afraid,
as long as you are right next to me,
because I know your rod and your staff
will protect and comfort me.

Lord, you bless me bountifully
in the very presence of my enemies.
You treat me like a guest—a king, even!—
anointing my head with oil.
And you keep pouring out blessings, though my cup overflows.

I know this: your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in your house, Lord, forever.

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