For Those In Turmoil

Lord, I pray for those in turmoil in this world,
those whose governments have fractured,
who have been invaded,
who are suffering from aggression and upheaval.

I pray for the people of Ukraine,
that you will expel the invader
and cause righteousness to prevail
and a new government to form
that will secure their rights
and protect the common good.

I pray for the people of Ecuador,
that their voices may be heard,
that oppression may cease,
that human rights may be respected,
and that freedom may grow.

I pray for the people of Syria,
that their long suffering may be ended soon.
Let the war cease.
Let the hatred and horror cease.
Bring about hope and health,
reconciliation and restoration,
in that broken land.

I pray the same for those in other places,
whose struggles don't make the news,
whose nightmares are accepted as the norm by so many:
those in North Korea,
and Egypt,
and Central African Republic, Nigeria, Somalia,
and so many other, sad, places.

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.


(photo of St. Michael's Church, Kiev, courtesy of

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