Saturday Psalm #8

O Adonai my Lord, how incredible is your name
in all this sphere, throughout nature;
everywhere I look I see your signature!

You have painted your glory in the star-speckled skies;
your praise even gurgles in the mouths of newborns and children,
while your hands clamp shut lions’ mouths,
and your works leave your enemies speechless.

I don’t spend enough time outdoors these days, God,
but when I do I am struck by the majesty of your heavens,
the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,
which you have hung in place.

It awes me, confronts me with my littleness.
Yet you made us humans to be like you,
in your image,
and have crowned us with glory and honor.
You made us stewards over the works of your hands
and put all things under our feet:
sheep and cattle, and the beasts of the field;
the birds, the fish, and even crabs and lobsters, for crying out loud.

O Adonai my Lord, how incredible is your name
in all this sphere, throughout nature;
everywhere I look I see your signature!

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