Man of Galilee

Savior of light, I look just now to Thee;
Brighten my path, so only shall I see
Thy footprints, Lord, which mark the way for me;
Light of my life, so surely Thou wilt be,
O Man of Galilee!

Another touch, I ask another still,
That daily, hourly, I may do Thy will;
Healer of wounds and bearer of all pain,
Thy touch, Thy power are evermore the same,
O Man of Galilee!

Lord of my life, I dare step out to Thee
Who stilled the waves and stayed the tossing sea;
When floods o'erwhelm, my safety Thou wilt be;
When nightfall comes, O Lord, abide with me;
O Man of Galilee!

Pilot of souls, I trust Thy guiding hands;
Take Thou the helm and, at Thy blest command,
I sail straight on until, the harbor won,
I reach the glory of Thy sweet well done;
O Man of Galilee!

O Man of Galilee,
Stay with and strengthen me;
Walk thou through life with me,
O Man of Galilee!

(a prayer of Robert Hoggard)

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