who trains my hands for war,
and places my sword in hand.
You are my loving God
and my sure defense,
my castle keep,
and my reinforcement,
my armor and my shield,
in whom I am kept safe.
You lay my enemies low.
I don't know why you care for me,
why you give me a thought.
Like all humans, my life is here today,
gone tomorrow.
My whole life span is not even a blink
of eternity's eye.
But you do care for me, Lord,
you do take thought of me.
So come, O LORD, come down.
Rip open the skies and come down;
stand on the mountains, so that they smoke.
Throw your lightning bolts
and scatter all who attack righteousness and oppress your people.
Reach down your hand from on high;
lift me out of the flooding waters
and save me from all who lie
and do evil.
Give me yet another new song to sing to you, God;
add one more praise song to my repertoire,
one more victory chant to praise you with.
Continue to build up my son
and make him a mighty oak;
continue to make my daughter
like a marble pillar in righteousness.
Empty me and mine,
to make room for your provision.
Teach me to give freely
out of all you have given to me.
Make me and mine a family of faith
and generosity
and sacrifice
and joy.
Let there be no disunity,
or disobedience
among us.
Give us the gift of instant obedience, Lord.
Grant that we may do what you say
the moment you say it.
Blessed are the people of whom this is true;
blessed are the people whose God is the LORD.
(based on Psalm 143)
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