By day I will praise you and by night I will extol your name.
Countless are your mighty works, LORD,
and your deeds beyond comprehension.

Everyone who knows me will know of your works;
forever I will tell of your mighty acts.
Gladly will I speak of the awesome splendor of your majesty,
happily I will meditate on all the amazing things you have done.
I will tell of the power of your awesome works while I live,
joyfully spreading the news of your great deeds.
King of my heart, I celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
LORD, you are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
Mighty Savior, no one compares to you,
for you are kind and compassionate toward all you have made.
O, let all you have made praise you, O LORD; may your saints sing of you!
Praise belongs to you, rightly and completely, Mighty King,
Quiet or loud, let your people worship in the beauty of your holiness.
Reign! Rule! Righteous God, your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
enduring through all generations.
Saving God, you are faithful to every promise you have made and loving toward all your creation.
Those who fall, you uphold; those who are bowed down, you uplift.
Uphold and uplift me now; I look to you, for your supply and sustenance.
Vast are your resources, Lord; open your hand and share them with all those in need.
Widen the influence of your church, and prosper your people wherever they are.
Expand the company of those who call on you, everywhere, but in my community, especially.
You fulfill my desires and hear my every cry; hear me now, and watch over me and mine.
Zealously I will follow you and speak your praise, LORD. Let every creature praise your holy name forever.
(based on Psalm 145; photo by Leslin_Liu via
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