For All in Present Need

We bring before You, O God:
the cries of the weary,
the pains of the distressed,
the tears of the tragedies of life,
the anxious hours of the insecure,
the restlessness of the refugees,
the hunger of the oppressed.

Dear God, be near to each.

Helper of the helpless,
Hope of the homeless,
The Strength of those tossed with tempests,
The Haven of those who sail:
Be all to all.

Be within us, to strengthen us;
without us, to keep us;
above us, to inspire us;
beneath us, to uphold us;
before us, to direct us;
behind us, to propel us;
around us, to sustain us.
Be all to all in present need.

(a prayer of Lancelot Andrewes; photo by Paul Einerhand via

1 comment:

claire o'sullivan said...

I love this prayer. Thank you for sharing it :)